In August 2018 I received a message through the 1000 Hearts Facebook page: “I love this idea so much! I came across it at the perfect time. I am 8 weeks pregnant and so full of fear and stress about what’s going on and what’s to come. I’d love to turn some hearts into a cot mobile to calm my anxiety and hopefully for little one to enjoy one day.”
From opposite sides of the world, Marie and I shared the hopes and fears that are common to mothers everywhere – that terrifying realisation that you are now at the mercy of a small human you are growing inside you. You start to understand that your whole happiness rides on the wellbeing of another creature and you feel your heart swell with the greatest love you have ever known. It is magical and scary and for many people, very anxiety-inducing. I sent a package to England and Marie let me know that they arrived safely.

About eight months later, I heard from Marie again: “…you sent some beautiful hearts when I was newly pregnant and panicking. I thought you might like to see the mobile I made from them, and my beautiful boy, who arrived safely 3 weeks ago. As you can see, he’s enjoying the hearts too. They were such a comfort to me.”
Sending love to all the mothers out there who are doing it tough.